1914 Lucky Bag Glossary
From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall
The 1914 Lucky Bag included a glossary of terms.
- Amount Available
- A negative quantity hindering your drawing your $3 per.
- Anchor Man
- Pud Leonard—our mainstay.
- Anns
- The game of the year—The Departments vs. the Classes.
- Bat (verb)
- To score on a department, decisively, in a P-work, or exam.
- Bat (noun)
- Differentiation between the N.E. and S.W. Wings;—4 companies.
- Bilge (verb)
- To go on leave in February as a civilian, First Class, U. S. A.
- Bilger
- One who, once on the outside, doesn't know enough to stay there.
- Bird
- A Buzzard, a graduate of the Hinders.
- Blood
- Of the aristocracy; a Beau Brummel; one able to enter the Supt's house after chapel without being kicked out by the sentry—Angel.
- Boat Officer
- One who talks with ease; a conversationalist; Teasley; Hatch.
- Bone
- Actually to attempt to find out what the lesson's about.
- Bones (n)
- Confidential chats with Doc MacDowell.
- Brace (verb)
- To give a military bearing.
- Brick (verb)
- To ask a guy to drag a "friend of a friend of yours."
- Brick (noun)
- That "friend of a friend"—a 1.0.
- B.S.
- A form of Mexican Athletics most popular at the Naval Academy.
- Bull
- The magnetic material that made Smoke Hall famous.
- Bust
- To fail to score on a department.
- Butt
- The magnetic South pole of a skag; a fraction of anything.
- Buzzard
- A small, artistic and beautifying bird, captured by "Turkey Austin."
- Calc
- The Youngster's Nightmare.
- Candidate
- The poor unfortunate "chosen from many" to "represent your part of the country."
- Chaney's Best
- A Hack modeled after those of the ancient Saxons—built neither for speed nor comfort.
- Christmas Tree
- The bulletin, published along Christmas time, of those hitting the weak squad mentally.
- Cit
- A free, much-to-be-envied Human Being.
- Cits
- The clothes God intended men to wear.
- Clean Sleeve
- The 1st Classman fortunate enough to be eternally carefree—see Hinders.
- Cold (adjective)
- Absolute, derived from its application to absolute temperature -461°F. Example: "I made a cold zip on that exam."
- Com
- The origin of all orders published.
- Crab
- One of the fairer sex of Crabtown.
- Crabtown
- A "group of buildings" constituting a town equal in population to that of Choptank, the "Rio de Janeiro" of Maryland.
- Cross Country
- Athletics for the "Westons."
- Dago
- A 4-year argument with Natives for a 2.5.
- Day's Work
- The Nav Department's favorite form of Saturday A.M. "entertainment."
- Depanted
- To be forced by the Prof. to put in a "req" for 1 pr. Blue Service Trousers.
- Depantagraph
- The height of diabolical engineering—an instrument designed to keep the Profs and their families well clothed.
- Drag
- Literally to cart along a femme.
- Duty
- A 24-hour trick at "Obedience and Fidelity"—Week days, a Godsend; Hop nights, Hell.
- Exams
- Monthly scrimmages with the Departments.
- Femme
- One of those "dainty, tripping mortals" that make our Hops the "best in the country."
- 4.0
- A mark now obsolete—formerly given for knowing what the lesson was about.
- Frap (verb)
- To hit; to perch; to adorn;—to find one's name on the "tree" or "pap."
- French (verb)
- To "visit friends within the limits of Annapolis" via the wall.
- Functions
- The 200 odd candidates who start their cruise on the "Reina," early in May.
- Fuss (verb)
- To drag a femme; to quit the Red Mikes.
- Fusser (noun)
- A ladies' man.
- Goat (noun)
- The god of the Hinders.
- Gouge (verb)
- To violate Our Honor System.
- Grade (noun)
- Result of a handful of d's—Extra duty for the plebes, no liberty for us.
- Grease (verb)
- To try to slip one over your classmates for class standing.
- Greaser (noun)
- One who asks the prof. for night P-Work in Nav.
- Greyleg (noun)
- In the Service, a marine; at the Academy, the orderlies, drummers, etc.
- Gyrene (noun)
- Obsolete at the Academy—but still attributed to us by the papers, authorities, etc.
- Hinders (noun)
- The gange of clean sleevers who entertained us every night in Smoke Hall in their worship of "the great god Goat."
- Hit (verb)
- To "bat"—to "frap."
- Holy Joe (noun)
- The Chaplain.
- Hop (noun)
- A fortnightly "spectacle" held in the gym for the benefit of the plebes and stags.
- Hustlers (noun)
- The phantom N 2nds that make our Navy Teams so well known.
- Johnny Gow (noun)
- An entree to Mechanisms.
- Kaydet (noun)
- Our partners in misery on the Hudson.
- Leave (noun)
- The one time a year you forget the Navy and become again a civilized human being.
- Liberty (noun)
- To "visit the city of Annapolis and vicinity."
- Log, The (noun)
- The "Life" of the Academy; "More than 1200 a week."
- Masqueraders (noun)
- The two annual "shows"—our two chances to tell the profs what we think of them.
- Math (noun)
- Something they heave at you plebe year, youngster year, 2nd Class year—in all forms, characters, shapes and devices.
- May Pole (noun)
- Revise list of Mental Weak Squad.
- Mess Hall (noun)
- Our "palatial" dining apartment.
- Nav (noun)
- The "science" by which it is claimed Crabtown can be located.—Navigation.
- Non-reg (noun)
- On not out for "stripes."
- O.C. (noun)
- The Officer-in-Charge—for 24 hours a day, the fear of all 2nd Class Smokers, and of all other breakers of the "Regulations."
- O.D.
- The Officer-of-the-Day—A midshipman imitation of the O.C.
- Pap (noun)
- Daily report of mid'n attached to the U.S.N.A. The cheering starter for the 15-hour day.
- Plebe (noun)
- A passed candidate,—braced, cussed out, and ignored by the upper classmen—yet a midshipman of the Brigade.
- P-rade (noun)
- The Brigade on the march.
- Pred (noun)
- The guy whose place in here you're taking.
- P-Work
- Practical work. In Nav: a 24-hour "Day's Work." In other departments: fruit.
- Polaris (noun)
- A "star" play of the Nav Department that is bound to give them the victory.
- Queen (noun)
- The "girl back home"—a 4.0.
- Rag (verb)
- To rag a guy; to catch him in the act; to rag a skag; to catch a smoke.
- Rate (noun)
- The laws and customs by which one class governs others below it.
- Ratey (noun)
- One who thinks he belongs to the class above his own.
- Red Mike (noun)
- The freest man in the Academy—a scorner of the fairer sex.
- Reg (noun)
- As per regulations.
- Req (noun)
- Requisition—of which there are various forms, from permission to dine—to one for a pr. of skates.
- Rhino (noun)
- A guy down on the world,—the Academy,—and himself.
- Running
- To interrogate a plebe on the "whichness of what."
- Sat
- To have a 2.5 and be able to look Tecumseh in the eye.
- Savoir
- One naturally savvy.
- Savvy
- One who can bat a 4.0 without saluting Tecumseh.
- Semi-ans
- The mid-year "game" with the departments.
- Shower
- The practical constant in Doyle's Laws.
- Skag
- A cigarette—Bull Durham, Pall Mall, or Benson and Hedges.
- Skinny
- Physics and Chemistry—so called from the founder of that department.
- Smoke Hall
- The 1st Classmen's "Club."
- Spoon (verb)
- To shake hands with a plebe; to like.
- Spuds
- The "corner stone" of the Navy.
- Squad
- Weak Squad, Swimming Squad, etc., etc.—forms of Special Athletics.
- Stag
- One who hasn't courage to drag his femme to the hop.
- Stag line
- The critics of the hop.
- Star
- One making 85% multiple for the year.
- Statement
- An attempt to get out of some d's [demerits].
- Steam
- The 2nd Classman's stumbling block—boilers and engines.
- St. Johnnies
- The local collegians—the miniature West Pointers.
- Straight Dope
- Sure advice on the morrow's "market."
- Stripes
- Diagonal—class designators; horizontal—cadet officers.
- "Sun"
- A word of endearment—the nickname for favorite profs.
- Supe
- The Superintendent of the Naval Academy—the last resort of the Midshipman outward bound.
- Tecumseh
- The wooden god whom all wooden men salute on the way to an exam.
- Tendency
- A draft in your room—fruit for a smoke.
- The Dansant
- A ragging party—with tea.
- Touge
- One who thinks "every hair on his head is a marline-spike."
- Tree
- The weekly report of those unsat.
- 2.50
- Tecumseh's motto.
- Unsat
- One of the followers of Tecumseh temporarily out of luck.
- Valentine
- A "request" for your resignation.
- Whip
- A very small fraction of anything; as at breakfast table, "99 and a whip."
- White House
- The U.S.S. "Reina Mercedes"—the "Home for Convicts."
- Wooden
- Just naturally boneheaded—a copier of Tecumseh.
- Yard Engine
- A guy that will fuss a girl for a 2.5.
- Youngster
- A passed Plebe—the ratiest, most happy go lucky class in the Academy.
- Zip
- A zero—something handed us often and which we more often rate.